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  • Aug 17, 2010 @ 03:15pm

    IIRC, it may have been Slashdot where the charming and delicately scented Mr McGuinness was spanked so extensively by the ACs.

    He may know plenty about the music business, but he knows almost nothing about the internet. If he did, his biggest client might not have a fugly disaster of a website and an internet presence that doesn't look like an afterthought.

  • Feb 19, 2009 @ 06:38pm


    Except no one needed to go to even that little effort, because the files weren't leaked in the traditional sense - they were put on sale early "by accident" by an Australian on-line seller. Two hours and hundreds of downloads later, the horse had bolted and all that was left to do was for UMG Australia to throw a massive tantrum, for U2 to look a little lame and irrelevant and for the fans to distribute the album all over the tubes.