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  • Jun 25, 2009 @ 11:33am


    I have seen and heard a lot about how fed up people are with the RIAA and the recording industry both music and film - It seems to me if enough people want to get the industry's attention, they would set a date, say July 26, and stop buying, downloading, going to the movies and any kind of attactivety that would put money in the industry's hand. Stop all activity for 1 week. If enough people really want to send the message - they would hear.

  • May 05, 2009 @ 11:43am

    Record Industry

    It seems to me that the record industry, movie industry and US car manufactures have the same problem. All of them are making business decisions based on how their industry used to work. None of them understand how business is today. I think most people are seeing these companies doing things that seem totaly out of touch with their customers, and relize that they won't be around much longer becase of it.

  • Oct 09, 2008 @ 11:05am

    I think there was a move some years ago with Steve McQueen as a bank robber who hired people to dress a like and meet at the same location?