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  • Jun 23, 2011 @ 12:56pm


    Yeah you use the word bomb and your ass is getting tackled QUICK ! (maybe go with shot to the nuts?)

  • Jun 21, 2011 @ 01:32pm

    Re: Odd...

    YUP! Welcome to the Fascist States of America ! Soon we will have political officers (Street Cameras) on every corner. Oh wait, if you live in Chicago you already have that :)

  • May 18, 2010 @ 07:58am

    Re: Re: Really?

    I stand corrected sir. Jack Valenti is in fact dead and has been replaced. And instead of replying twice @ ANON You are correct that was more to the point I was making... more or less. I find this whole situation disgraceful. Those are men and women giving their lives (this has not been a zero casualty war)... I repeat GIVING THEIR LIVES for all of us (including those MPAA jerks). Instead of paying a lawyer from Jener and Bloc $2500 an hour to have an intern write a letter, why not send 1000 DVD's to our soldiers in iWreck.. They don't need to pirate what you gave away for free and you get great PR for supporting the service men and women. But no you dishonor them by calling them Pirate and Thieves... shame on you MPAA. Why don't don't you call them baby killer's while you're at it?

  • May 18, 2010 @ 06:04am


    How does the MPAA have the balls to apprach the US Military and ask for anything that would even further lower the quality of life of a US Soldier in a combat zone?? Even the enemy is afraid of doing that or they wouldnt resort to pussy ass suicide bombers and guerrilla warfare... Maybe jack valenti should get off his fat old white ass and learn what it means to be a patriot instead of a profiteer. These sick fucks make me wanna shoot some body and its not the iraqi's. It's these cushy west coast liberal jag off's with there peace and love tree hugging hippy bullshit. "we're artist so we need to be paid" FUCK THAT. These men and women are getting shot at for less than 50K a year and those cocksuckers are in california raking in millions and they have the balls to bitch about what soldiers in a combat zone do?? yet they have no problem filming a movie about it and making millions from the deaths of these soldiers (ie black hawk down). They kept those profits.. at no time did they send money to ease the suffering of the widows of Army Rangers lost in combat or to the poor people of mogadishu (sp?). I for one will happily pirate movies MOE FREQUENTLY after reading this article as my own little personal FUCK YOU to the MPAA amd any elected or appointed official that supports them.

  • Apr 27, 2010 @ 07:22am

    Re: but its already been pirated

    Logical and concise Kyle. The fact is I saw my room mate watching the copy he downloaded DAYS after we went and saw it at the IMAX.

    Trying to defuse a bomb that has already gone off is just another example of poor strategies by the film industry leaders. Like the record companies and RIAA left a HUGE gap in the market for iTunes to come in, this is the gap the MPAA will have exploited as soon as someone with a lot of money and a little balls comes to market with a workable platform. HULU was a good start in the right direction, but until you can force the hand of the studios or educate them on the technologies of the 21st century pirates will continue to exploit the stupidity of the members of the MPAA.

    The movie it self has value thats why customers want it, however their methods of distribution add negative value to the product their by making it "cheaper and easier" to acquire through other means.

    Also if you plan to make someone watch 20 min of commercials just to watch your movie then don't charge for it. But If I just paid you $20 for a disc then I should have bought the right to put that disc in and hit play without any obstruction.

    As some one noted earlier, the pirates do not put up with high prices, commercial offerings, or DRM crippled distribution. Why would any one CHOOSE to be a paying customer if it is more easily accessible and cost effective to pirate? In most cases of black market offerings the cost is higher and acquisition is more difficult, that is not the case with digital goods.

    Too many film industry execs with MBA's and JD's and not enough with common sense and a set of balls.

    But as long a they push their failed business model, the demand on pirated materials will remain high and as such the pirates will supply that demand.

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  • Jan 19, 2010 @ 06:14pm

    Those "Educators" are a joke

    This is another case of the student being smarter than the educator and being punished for it. The kid obviously must have put some real work into building his home made motion sensor with photo electric cells and relays etc. The teacher is so dumb to assume its a bomb when in fact they were inviting science fair experiments. He could have built a bomb and it still would have been a science fair project.

    Simply put those school officials are morons and now have the tenacity to tell the parents of the students under their charge that they know whats best for their kids. And to the parents of that kid.. "PRIVATE SCHOOL ASAP"

  • Jan 07, 2010 @ 02:42pm

    RE: they're now more likely to get it in an unauthorized manner.

    They're now more likely to get it in an unauthorized manner.

    Absolutely true. Those of us who still have jobs are having to work 80 hours a week to keep them. So by the time I get home anything I want to watch has already aired. I goto Hulu or the Studio's website and try to watch it and am told I have to wait 24 hours. I go to the "Sailor's Cove" and can download a copy in less time than it takes to watch it.

    Sure I can pick my own grapes and make my own wine, but I would rather goto the store and buy a bottle because its easier. When it comes to movies this point is particularly prevalent, it is not just about having the content to provide its also about how you deliver it.

    If its easier to download it from some site and watch it when you want to, then it is to wait and maybe catch it when the content provider ALLOWS you... which are you going to do?

    These days with content being put in a digital form from conception to production and then to broadcast a copy will get out PERIOD. The content provider can only dictate terms for so long before the consumers backlash or find an alternative. These days the alternative to paying for content is pirating it. I know its an ugly word but the fact is their are pirate out there and these days with content providers attempting to lock up their content its easier to pirate it. Once your customers educate themselves on how to obtain the same content for free its very hard to convince them to pay for it anymore. The MPAA and RIAA only have them selves to blame for the amount of piracy out there.

    Do I believe content providers should be compensated for producing a good quality product? YES!

    Do I believe content providers can abuse their customers and not expect a few of them to stop paying for a lower quality of service than is expected? NO.

    GO ahead Ted Warner and lock up the content you would be getting paid for on NetFlix... You will just get robbed by the pirates instead. Once they saw your shitty movie for free whats the chances they are going to pay you to rent it from net flix? NetFlix isn't stupid either if the demand for your DVDs drop they aren't going to buy and shelf as many. You are the only one that looses revenue. How is that consistent to the fiduciary duty you hold to your stock holders?

    And PLEASE don't give me the sob story about how the little guys aren't getting paid. The actors, director, screen writer etc all got paid or they wouldn't have done the movie and only a sucker would take points unless its a feature film with a james cameron at the helm of a marquee line up of performers. The only one that doesn't get paid is Ted Turner.

  • Dec 01, 2009 @ 07:27pm

    Re: "advertising is dead"

    Or maybe someone should just explain to him what a "series of tubes" is... I think thats how you talk to that generation.

    It occurred to me all these authority figures above the age of 40 just get more and more out of touch with reality everyday.

    Ironic considering how many "reality shows" are actually broadcast from his network.

  • Dec 01, 2009 @ 07:20pm

    "advertising is dead"

    Ummm has Rupert ever been to 90% of the content is ad space or synergistic links to his other companies. Why isn't some one asking how a man this stupid and uninformed is in control of one of the most powerful and influential media organizations in the world. Reminds me of all those geniuses with Masters in Business Administration Degrees from Ivy institutions. All those smarts and expensive college educations propped them up to be the authority on our financial institutions and our economic policies. Yet some how will all those smart people our economy is nearly bankrupt. Not one of them had the common sense or the foresight for how to bridge the gap between new strategies/technologies and practical application. The fact is Google probably generates half his traffic and if he relies on Bing, which only has a 10% market share at this point, he will successfully kill his traffic. How on earth is that responsible management and fulfilling his fiduciary duty to his share holders. All he will do is single handedly open the doors for more aggressive competition from other struggling news agencies and worse yet all those little bloggers with their opinions that he hates so much.