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  • Aug 12, 2009 @ 06:12am

    Re: Re: You People are Stupid

    One would hope that a city the size of Portland would employ a team (programmers & designers) to plan, design, & code the final design. There are many folks out there who can do both well and they are in high demand in the market place.

    The worse sites I have ever seen are from programmers who write beautiful code and think that means they can also design or even place data or form fields in a logical or easy-for-the-user-to-follow manner - and - from the artist who who doesn't understand how to make a design that works on the web, or even if it can or should be done.

    It is a misconception that you are either one or the other but examples of this are many.

  • Aug 11, 2009 @ 09:07am


    Why is it that everyone has an opinion about what a good website design is? Remember to look at a site from multiple points of view...Why do companies have sites that you think suck? Because most likely they work: they get results; sell products; or present the intended information. Don't judge till you know.

    But I will grant you this: Currently, the majority of clients I am talking to want a $12,000.00 site but only have $1,200.00 to spend. Something has to give and usually design suffers - or - you get that simple navigation script instead of that full, intuitive, nav system you need - or - a 4 page package when you really need 12, etc..


    Great Idea= opening the design up to the public. New ideas and innovation may come as a result.


    Take this article we are all responding to with several grains of salt: Who are these firms and designers who are "freaking out"? I like Tech Dirt a lot but sometimes there are little snippets that are short on fact & high on insulting opinion intended to get folks all worked up!