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  • Mar 02, 2012 @ 07:51am

    Why did it take them this long?

    When I read the policy, my only question was "Aren't they doing this already?" I thought that they had been correlating data for years.

  • Aug 24, 2011 @ 09:29am

    Re: Re:

    >And mark my words, the MOMENT that someone actually comes up with a literary version of iTunes (the current crop from Amazon's KDP, iBooks, etc., just doesn't do it for me), self publishing is going to skyrocket....

    Don't forget the www.smashwords.com. It's my favorite place for independent authors (or published authors who want to bypass the publisher). I guess it's the book equivalent of eMusic.

  • Mar 10, 2010 @ 09:29am

    Re: I'm guessing

    You said: That music SUCKS

    Which demonstrates the power of a viral anything. My so-called broadband is poor enough I could barely watch the video. But I liked the music...

    Get it out in front of enough people and it will find the ones that like it.

    Gotta go check Amazon for Ok Go albums now.....

  • Jul 26, 2007 @ 12:08pm

    Immigrants yes, HB-1 no

    I strongly favor encouraging smart and/or hardworking people to come to the US to live and work and earn a wage that reflects their skills. Unfortunately, from what I have seen, the HB-1 program promotes peonage, and temporary peonage at that. How can we get innovation from someone who is under paid and knows they are only here for a short time?