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  • Dec 15, 2011 @ 07:02pm

    U.S. is a rapidly becoming a 3rd world backwater,

    So, the US government, not liking its filthy laundry (like its support for Saudi - who bombed us...) shutdown wikileaks.

    It doesn't understand the need of most people to
    see/hear "what they want, when they want, on the device of their choice"

    Every other country seems too.

    The increasing xeonophobic tendencies coming from the poorly educated, but vocal and powerful, American government (not its people) shows a vast degree of ignorance, hubris and arrogance.

    I'd suggest that if the U.S. government starts interfering with Internet operations outside of their borders through
    the courts or direct 'hacking action' (as the claimed to have done in Iran) that punitive retaliatory measures be applied to their software/hardware/network vendors.

    The school yard bully is here, not the benign world 'police man'

    What the US government is proposing is just another extension of their base ignorance.

    Today is Silicon valley, where I live, the Internet GIANTS have TOLD the conceited politicians how hurtful their pitiful legislation is.

    Not wanting to use the ITC shows the typical US government
    ignorance over using the international courts as they know best...

    They seem to think THEY set the law and we must all follow.


    That simple.

  • Dec 15, 2011 @ 07:02pm

    U.S. is a rapidly becoming a 3rd world backwater,

    So, the US government, not liking its filthy laundry (like its support for Saudi - who bombed us...) shutdown wikileaks.

    It doesn't understand the need of most people to
    see/hear "what they want, when they want, on the device of their choice"

    Every other country seems too.

    The increasing xeonophobic tendencies coming from the poorly educated, but vocal and powerful, American government (not its people) shows a vast degree of ignorance, hubris and arrogance.

    I'd suggest that if the U.S. government starts interfering with Internet operations outside of their borders through
    the courts or direct 'hacking action' (as the claimed to have done in Iran) that punitive retaliatory measures be applied to their software/hardware/network vendors.

    The school yard bully is here, not the benign world 'police man'

    What the US government is proposing is just another extension of their base ignorance.

    Today is Silicon valley, where I live, the Internet GIANTS have TOLD the conceited politicians how hurtful their pitiful legislation is.

    Not wanting to use the ITC shows the typical US government
    ignorance over using the international courts as they know best...

    They seem to think THEY set the law and we must all follow.


    That simple.

  • Dec 15, 2011 @ 07:01pm

    U.S. is a rapidly becoming a 3rd world backwater,

    So, the US government, not liking its filthy laundry (like its support for Saudi - who bombed us...) shutdown wikileaks.

    It doesn't understand the need of most people to
    see/hear "what they want, when they want, on the device of their choice"

    Every other country seems too.

    The increasing xeonophobic tendencies coming from the poorly educated, but vocal and powerful, American government (not its people) shows a vast degree of ignorance, hubris and arrogance.

    I'd suggest that if the U.S. government starts interfering with Internet operations outside of their borders through
    the courts or direct 'hacking action' (as the claimed to have done in Iran) that punitive retaliatory measures be applied to their software/hardware/network vendors.

    The school yard bully is here, not the benign world 'police man'

    What the US government is proposing is just another extension of their base ignorance.

    Today is Silicon valley, where I live, the Internet GIANTS have TOLD the conceited politicians how hurtful their pitiful legislation is.

    Not wanting to use the ITC shows the typical US government
    ignorance over using the international courts as they know best...

    They seem to think THEY set the law and we must all follow.


    That simple.