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Geoff Simon

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  • Dec 21, 2012 @ 11:15am


    You never have to answer a law enforcement officers questions. "Do you know why i pulled you over?", "Where are you coming from?", "Are you carrying illegal weapons, drugs?"

    96% of all criminal convictions come from what you say to an officer in the first 5 minutes of an encounter. Remember, remain calm, breathe, keep your hands where the officer(s) can see them.

    Never participate in casual conversations with Police. If you are stopped on the street by a cop, ask "Am I Being Detained?" If cops must engage in casual conversation with you, they don't have enough information to bust you...yet. Don't answer their questions. If you aren't being detained, then WALK AWAY. If you are being detained, ask why and remember the officers name.

    "I do not consent to a search. I'm going to remain silent. I want to speak with my lawyer"