DrGonzo42069's Techdirt Profile


About DrGonzo42069

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  • Sep 28, 2012 @ 07:41am

    Great Book!

    Hey Thanks for posting this. After reading through I went out and downloaded the free eBook. Then after reading a bit of it I realized that it a GREAT book. So I went out to Amazon and paid for it.

  • Jul 08, 2010 @ 02:57pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    Tell Me about it. Once while between IT Gigs I took a spot at a Best Buy in Oregon. I was originally offered 10+/hr to sell PCs over priced PCs to grannies that where way more than they ever needed for their intended use the entire time lying to them about the technology in general. After my first pay check i received a letter from the mother-ship stating that they needed to adjust my pay rate as i was offered too much $ and the hiring manager didn't have the authority to pay me more than minimum wage. Luckily the job was just for kicks and to kill time. I feel sorry for anyone who HAS TO work there. Its worse than anyone can post without possibly getting smacked by some NDA you signed when you weren't looking.