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Dick Karpinski

About Dick Karpinski

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  • Oct 21, 2012 @ 08:52am

    Re: Re:

    A brief review of the drugs approved and then withdrawn after growing evidence that approval was a mistake, (encouraged by vendor suppression of unfavorable trials) leads one to reject your claim that deaths from approved medications are even rare, let alone insanely rare. In fact iatrogenic (medically caused) incidents are so common that they rank among the highest causes of death in this country. Be happy that your personal experience is better.

  • Oct 20, 2012 @ 09:28am

    Root Causes of this DMCA are ...

    As Gandhi said of Western Civilization, I repeat about American Democracy: That would be a good idea. We have arranged that our elected officials have a built in conflict of interest between their voters interests and those of their funders. This has led to extensions of copyright that have little to do with the purpose of copyright in the first place. That this stupidity leads to further stupidity in the application of unjustifiable legislation is not very surprising to me.

    Would you like to fix this problem? Then strike at the root and thereby address a very large host of problems of this nation in the modern era. Informed rational action can, occasionally, have widely beneficial effects.