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  • Aug 11, 2011 @ 06:21am


    I'm extremely disappointed to see this coming from a record label like Century Media.

    I was a "working" musician in metal bands for a number of years and we knew from the get-go (this is back in 2004 mind you), that we would NEVER make a huge amount of money from record sales. So what did we do? We concentrated on making cool merchandise than fans wanted to buy, played as many live shows as we could and delivered a performance we knew people would want to come back for.

    We certainly didn't make the big bucks, but we made enough to go live, play, and go on tour relatively often. But the thing is: none of that would have been possible if we didn't actively encourage others to share our music for free. Without sharing no one would have heard us beyond the East Coast and we probably would not have been able to tour the West so early into our career.

  • Jul 27, 2011 @ 03:43pm

    She put her story on a political ad that was released across the internet for all to see. They didn't coerce her into the video, whether she realized what she was doing or not she became a public figure when she tried to use her sob story to get legislation passed.

    She has already given up some measure of privacy, and a few snail mail letters that are considered and articulate snail mail would violate what she's got left.

  • Jul 22, 2011 @ 04:05pm

    Also, take note that commenting on the video has been disabled. Ha.

  • Jul 22, 2011 @ 03:56pm

    The worst part about this awful attempt at re-framing the issue is that the person who introduced PROTECT IP also is in support of a separate bill that would have directly addressed the counterfeit pharma issue.