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  • Aug 21, 2012 @ 07:05am

    Many Universities ARE offering some great options. Internship/Co-op programs are thriving. This is especially the case at a fellow Atlanta university, Georgia Tech.

    I came through this program and would highly recommend it.

  • Jul 30, 2012 @ 11:57am

    I got the email about the class action (several year Netflix subscriber)

    Would it be worthwhile at all to object to the settlement on the ground that the attorney fees are unreasonable?

  • Jan 18, 2012 @ 08:28am

    Internet Super PAC?

    Ultimately, this is just a blip on the radar. Even if PIPA/SOPA are prevented during this session there will always be the next sessions of congress. Additionally, how will things ever improve if the fight is constantly on the defense and having to fight worse and worse measures?

    Why not start some type of Super PAC with backing of many of the same folks involved in the black outs/white outs today? Work towards going against re-election of folks who are in the pockets of organizations like MPAA and RIAA as well as those who do support these SOPA type bills?

  • Jul 27, 2011 @ 01:38pm

    Not sure how this is new or different?

    FOX is not breaking any new ground here. The CW offers shows a week after airing as well. (I do have a weakness for the CW programming!) I just got on a 1 week off pattern of watching the shows I like. Additionally, I am a Netflix and Hulu Plus subscriber. I am saving a TON over having cable and still get some excellent content without being glued to air times over networks.

    My last note is just what others above me have said. I have an HD antenna. It works great for everything locally except ABC for me. So even though I can see CW shows and FOX shows when they air, I choose not to do so.

    I do not have a problem with the limited 'free' offerings of content that FOX is proposing and it does not seem ground breaking at all. I do understand that advertising does not cover all of the costs and do not have a problem with reasonable prices and limitations. What I do have a problem with are the offerings of companies like HBO and the new CNN tv streaming. You have to be a rip-off cable company subscriber to access their content. I cannot get access to their content online (in a timely manner- dvd's/itunes a YEAR later) legally, no matter how much I am willing to pay.

    My dream world consists of online streaming a la carte access.

  • Apr 28, 2011 @ 07:27am

    New account password strategy

    The key point is to make passwords that people cannot memorize and therefore have to put a post-it note on their monitor with the password :) That will sure stop wow account hackers!