Sorceress 's Techdirt Comments

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  • Windows 10 Reserves The Right To Block Pirated Games And 'Unauthorized' Hardware

    Sorceress ( profile ), 26 Aug, 2015 @ 07:36pm

    Re: Using Vista

    I have Windows 7 Home edition. The other three computers in our house have Windows 8. Windows 8 doesn't play nice with the printer/scanner so I am sticking with 7. Free isn't free when it comes with all those strings. I liked XP, but with no support...

  • School, Police Chief Must Face Lawsuit Brought By Student Suspended For 10 Days For Tweeting 'Actually, Yes'

    Sorceress ( profile ), 14 Aug, 2015 @ 07:44am


    Excuse me, but did you actually read the article? Sagehorn jested that "yes, actually" he Made out with the teacher. Do you know what "made out" means? For many decades, it has meant merely something akin to kissing. In fact, the tweet was made in jest in response to a silly tweet in the first place. The parent who decided to make an issue of this ought to be brought in to explain why she thought it was necessary to comb the boards looking for possible offensive tweets. She bears a good deal of responsibility in this debacle. The teacher was never "harmed" or "defamed". Anyone who knows this student is aware of his accomplishments and would understand the nature of the exchange. The school acted in the worst fascist way it could and brought down a hammer before even investigating the circumstances of something that did not even occur on campus. The thought police were out in force here.

    PS Get your mind out of the gutter.

  • DailyDirt: Colorful Burgers Because Why Not?

    Sorceress ( profile ), 27 Jun, 2015 @ 06:23pm

    Colorful hamburgers


  • IRS Drops Forfeiture Case, Returns $107,000 Taken In Bogus 'Structuring' Prosecution

    Sorceress ( profile ), 15 May, 2015 @ 02:31pm

    Asset Forfeiture

    Every bit of asset forfeiture is an absolute violation of the Fourth Amendment. I don't care where the money came from the Constitution spells it out very clearly: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and SEIZURES (emphasis mine) shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized." This is copied directly from the constitution so the odd comma placement is from the quote. In fact, the government has so overstepped its reach that we need to seriously revisit all laws involving constitutional issues and rid ourselves of every law that infringes on our precious rights.

  • Olympics Committee Forces Oregon Restaurant To Change Its Name

    Sorceress ( profile ), 06 Mar, 2015 @ 03:59pm

    IOC Tomfoolery

    I wonder if the IOC will demand that the Olympic Rain Forest be renamed? The Olympic Peninsula in Washington state? Olympic National Forest? Olympic College? Can you get any more stupid and intrusive? Who died and made them the arbiter of names that might (but probably don't) infringe on the Olympic brand?

  • Wyoming Governor Vetoes Asset Forfeiture Bill, Because Asset Forfeiture 'Is Right'

    Sorceress ( profile ), 04 Mar, 2015 @ 12:06pm

    Asset Forfeiture

    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized."

    Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. Any questions?

  • EU Thinks It Has Jurisdiction Over The Global Internet: Says Right To Be Forgotten Should Be Global

    Sorceress ( profile ), 01 Dec, 2014 @ 07:59am

    Right to be forgotten

    So, would this mean that any negative story about a politician (especially a Democrat), whether that politician is currently in office or is just thinking about running, would need to be censored? What about historical figures? How about Hollywood folk? Would any embarrassing stories need to be "forgotten"? (That would pretty much kill any entertainment news...) What if you were trying to find out everything you could about a person that was a part of a prominent news story? This makes no sense at all. Most "private" individuals might feel that the truly embarrassing story about the Thanksgiving dinner boo boo from ten years ago ought to be deleted. After all, the arrest record was later expunged. (It could be argued that they should never have put those photos on their Facebook page if they were going to be pissy about it later.) But all public figures and historical events are fair game.

  • Ferguson Police Arrest Yet Another Journalist, Ignoring Direct Court Orders

    Sorceress ( profile ), 24 Nov, 2014 @ 12:30pm

    Police vs Courts

    Given that the rent-a-riot folks are unlikely to adhere to any laws, who can be surprised that the police are trying to keep order any way they can. The police know that they are targets of a completely insane crowd that will be throwing rocks, bottles and whatever as soon as the decision is released. Never mind that the Grand Jury has seen all the evidence and will have made a reasoned decision. If it does not go the way the racist crowds want it to go, there will be mayhem. (And, yes, the crowds demanding the punishment, even unto the death of Officer Wilson are the racists here.) Even though justice has been done in a proper form, there are people who cannot accept that. There are people standing by who will happily destroy the property of others no matter what transpires. If the police are a bit jumpy, who can blame them?

  • Awesome Stuff: All Play And No Work

    Sorceress ( profile ), 02 Nov, 2014 @ 08:48pm


    My grandson is working on an Amazing Race Minecraft scenario. I'm pretty impressed since he is only 10 years old and seems to have grasped Minecraft completely. I look. I watch him demonstrate his skills. Then I go play Candy Crush. That I get.

  • Wil Wheaton Discusses TV, Cord-Cutting, Piracy… And Trying Desperately To Make Sure Fans Can Watch His Show

    Sorceress ( profile ), 07 Jun, 2014 @ 08:24am

    Wil Wheaton Project

    We watched. We liked.

  • King Cries Trademark Over The Banner Saga

    Sorceress ( profile ), 26 Jan, 2014 @ 08:19am

    Re: Candy Crush Trademark

    It is my understanding that they don't actually have a trademark, but are trying to trademark the word "Candy". Pretty hard to enforce a trademark that you don't actually have.

  • The MPAA's Plan To Piss Off Young Moviegoers And Make Them Less Interested In Going To Theaters

    Sorceress ( profile ), 15 Nov, 2013 @ 12:52pm

    MPAA and cell phones in theaters

    Do you have any idea how annoying it is to see all those little lights all around the theater? It is truly horrible to try to watch a film while kids are chattering and clicking away and flashing glowing phones all around you. Is it too much to ask that people sit quietly and watch for a couple of hours? Are they incapable of simply watching the film and responding to the action without having to tell their friends where they are and what they are doing and how the movie is, and "Oh, by the way, here are some clips from the movie you've just gotta see"? Come on. This isn't about the MPAA. This is about common courtesy to other film goers who are trying to get into the film without all the interruptions caused by rude obnoxious untrained children of any age who never learned how to behave in public places.

  • Teens Face Felony Charges Over Girl Who Committed Suicide

    Sorceress ( profile ), 30 Mar, 2010 @ 09:26am


    Bring back discipline to the schools and this might have been stopped after the first episode of "bullying". Why did teachers not respond by administering "swats" or other physical and publicly humiliating punishments to these bullies? Sorry. I realize that in these sensitive times we must not embarrass or otherwise disturb anyone's tiny little ego, but physical punishment works. It worked in the past and it will work now. Bring on the bed wetting crybabies who say spanking and other punishments are evil. Wrong! It takes care of the problem immediately and let's other would-be perpetrators know what to expect if they participate. This trend toward court and legal response to every problem is both stupid and ridiculous. While I am sorry for the family of this girl, I don't think that charging these teens criminally and potentially sending them to prison is the answer.

  • Apparently The Word 'Piracy' No Longer Sufficiently Derogatory For Entertainment Industry

    Sorceress ( profile ), 18 Mar, 2010 @ 04:42pm

    New Title for "Piracy"

    I suggest "Toe Stompers". Obviously, using someone else's content for your own pleasure is stomping on the creator's toes. It reflects my opinion of the seriousness of the "crime". A "crime" which is familiar to Hollywood and the music industry since "borrowing" ideas is pretty much endemic in those make-believe lands. There is a saying in Hollywood - Everyone wants to be the first one to do it the second time. Sort of speaks to the ridiculousness of all those hissy fit throwing self righteous content thieves crying about piracy. Anyway...isn't the idea to get their product seen and heard by as many of the great unwashed as possible? There should be rejoicing in the corporate headquarters every time a song, film or other content is downloaded.

    I claim the term as mine and mine alone! No one else can use any of those words EVER AGAIN!!!!! For any reason!!!!

  • Lawyers Write Law, And Then Are The Only Ones To Make Millions Directly Off Of It

    Sorceress ( profile ), 17 Nov, 2009 @ 05:15pm

    Diversity at the point og a gun...

    We need to stop all this nonsense right now! All we need to know is whether or not the people running in an election are Americans (citizens). Then all we need to know is whether or not the voters are Americans. Any other designation is completely irrelevant. No "minorities", no hyphenates, just Americans. E pluribus unum not "from one, a whole bunch". Lawyers are the scourge of this nation.