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  • Horrifying Supreme Court Ruling Lets Police Collect DNA Because You Might Just Be A Horrible Criminal

    Michael N. Marcus ( profile ), 04 Jun, 2013 @ 06:05am


    For a change, I do not agree with the left-leaning justices.

    Anyone who wants some of my DNA can have it.

    What's the BFD with DNA? It doesn't hurt to give a sample. I don't have a limited supply of DNA.

    It's not like the scene from Dr. Strangelove where General Jack D. Ripper was horrified that the dreaded commies would "sap and impurify" Americans' precious vital fluids.

    My DNA sample might show that my sister is my sibling or that my ancestors came from eastern Europe or that I didn't leave blood or semen at a crime scene. Horrors!

    I have much more to be concerned with than accurate identification.