davidu 's Techdirt Comments

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  • OpenDNS Comes Out Against COICA Censorship

    davidu ( profile ), 09 Dec, 2010 @ 08:58am

    Re: Re: Re:

    I know what 4chan is. I just don't understand how people find value in it.

  • Verizon's DNS Policy May Be Bad, But It's Not A Network Neutrality Violation

    davidu ( profile ), 15 Nov, 2007 @ 10:20am

    Comcast blocking OpenDNS? Nah...

    As for the report above that Comcast was blocking OpenDNS -- we've never heard a single report about it. Probably some other issue related to the individual user in question.

  • 'Don't Spam Kids' Registry A Financial Disaster For Utah

    davidu ( profile ), 04 May, 2007 @ 09:31am

    There's more to this story...

    Unspam and Matthew Prince do a lot to both track down and go after spammers and other malicious folks.

    When politics and bureaucracy are brought into the mix there are bound to be differences or complications as may be the case here.

    It's no secret that Matthew Prince has made enemies in in various Direct Marketing circles (see: DirectMag and the rest of the site for more garbage about Unspam).

    The article linked about this case is just a PR piece propagated by the DirectMag folks from how it reads. I'm not saying everything was done the way it should have been but it sounds pretty far from malicious.

  • When Domain Names Sell For $7.5 Million… Watch Out

    davidu ( profile ), 19 May, 2006 @ 06:19pm


    They bought the business too...

    This is sort of a misleading story. They also bought the business and then the inventory for an additional 2 million over that.