b4upoo 's Techdirt Comments

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  • Newspaper Industry Lawyers Attack Fair Use, Claim Google Is Illegal

    b4upoo ( profile ), 16 Nov, 2009 @ 12:54pm

    They Will Fail

    Publishers who count on ink and paper are going to drown in the new era. Paper costs more and more money. Inks are more and more expensive. Transporting books and magazines is expensive.
    It doesn't take a genius to see it coming. Go to any large book store and check out the prices on new books. It is no wonder the industry is suffering. No longer can one buy a good magazine for fifty cents. These days five or six bucks are typical.
    Electronic technology including this new sixth sense technology will be the final nail in the coffin of the traditional publishing industry. Crying about trivial stuff like Google using their material won't help one little bit.

  • Levi Johnston's Lawyers Threaten Twitter, Despite No Legal Basis

    b4upoo ( profile ), 10 Nov, 2009 @ 04:20pm

    Baby Rape

    I see no reason that anyone should gossip about the rumor that Sarah Palin rapes babies. After all there has never been any evidence at all that it is true that she rapes babies. All of us should shut up and stand back and wait and see if the authorities bring her to trail for raping babies. It seems very unlikely to me that she will ever be charged by a prosecutor for raping babies. After all, if she really does rape babies it certainly would not be in public or in view of others that could testify against her. We'll just have to take her word that she does not rape babies.

  • More Important Saving Lives From Swine Flu Or Protecting Roche's Monopoly?

    b4upoo ( profile ), 10 Nov, 2009 @ 04:07pm

    Call it Murder

    There is no contest between the right of people to have good health and not die and economic considerations. To cause people to become infected and in some cases perish simply to protect the concept of profit or private property rights is murder and our laws should punish those that cause these problems.
    Imagine a person staggering into a hospital with a life threatening wound and the doctors refusing to help as they see no way to make money helping the wounded man. That is exactly the same as holding back medications.

  • City Council Can't Take Blogger Criticism And Resigns?

    b4upoo ( profile ), 02 Nov, 2009 @ 12:54pm

    Holding Office

    I have held office in homeowners and property owners associations for years. There is no pay involved and we are well aware that we must put up with the usual nonsense such as people always suspecting that money is missing or being foolishly used or nut job complaints about people feeding squirrels or whatever. But we also have to deal with seriously mentally disturbed people as well. It really can be frustrating trying to deal with people who have no connection with reality and are rude, obnoxious etc.. The only reason that I run for election is to keep some of these type away from being seated in a powerful position.

  • Professional Unions And The Labor Struggles Of The 21st Century

    b4upoo ( profile ), 21 Sep, 2009 @ 07:57am


    Not only are unions a counterbalance to management in many areas so to is organized crime. Whenever an economy begins to be captured by forceful elements that make life difficult for people unions and organized crime can emerge and actually improve the living conditions in a city or region.

  • Professional Unions And The Labor Struggles Of The 21st Century

    b4upoo ( profile ), 21 Sep, 2009 @ 07:20am

    If It Works!

    Obviously technology displaces workers and that is usually a good thing as workers adapt and move to more useful work.
    But is the pattern really working out for us? Sure, we no longer need fifty men to cut our lawns as we have power mowers. But we now have too many unemployed who drain the system's wealth. We may no longer have huge numbers of women working at the phone company but talking on the phone is still expensive. And factories no longer hire huge crowds of workers but the price of a new car is far worse than in 1920. So is technology helping us or drowning us? So far it's a toss up.

  • Oregon: You Have To Pay Us To Explain The Laws To You

    b4upoo ( profile ), 20 Sep, 2009 @ 10:16am

    Re: Who owns them?

    As proof of our insanity some of us are untouchable due a concept called sovereign immunity which we are supposed to balance in our minds with the concept of legal equality.
    Stuff like this is an explanation for Michael Jackson whacking his nose off while wearing one white glove while plotting to molest another little boy. It's a sicko paradise!

  • Oregon: You Have To Pay Us To Explain The Laws To You

    b4upoo ( profile ), 20 Sep, 2009 @ 10:12am


    Isn't it odd that the ancients remarked that in the end days we would be confounded in our complexity? This copyright and usual RIAA junk are about as mind numbing as things could get.