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  • Oct 29, 2011 @ 06:12pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Actually, you have all misread this. No one is taking a position that patents terms shoudl be reduced from 20 years. The 7 year term referenced in all these articles is for the exclusivity of data used to achieve marketing approval from the FDA ... in order to get approval to market a drug in the US it costs about $1b to do the clinical research and trials necessary to convince the FDA that it works and is safe. This data cannot be relied upon by your competitors for 7 years. Seems fair that the company that did all the work and made the investment doesn't see it immediately turned over to others that didn't.

    Obama did sign a bill recently that will improve the patent process and hopefully improve patent quality leading to less litigation. We can all agree on that.

  • Oct 29, 2011 @ 12:14pm

    Reading the bill is always a good start

    Setting up a business to profit from streaming someone else?s works is already a federal misdeamor in the U.S. Senator Klobuchar?s bill simply makes streaming huge amounts of copyrighted material for a profit a federal felony. At a time when sites like megavideo are making millions by stealing and streaming thousands of high-quality videos ? including 437 of Bieber ? raising seriousness of this crime is a necessary deterrent.

    Current law already requires criminal intent - willful infringement of a work ? the U.S. Attorney General would certainly not determine this in the case of a tween singing a cover in his bedroom.

  • Oct 29, 2011 @ 12:10pm

    Re: Klobuchar

    so you're proud of Bieber, but not the first woman Senator from MN who served as a County Attorney and went to Yale? I guess that makes sense in your world.