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  • Dec 01, 2010 @ 06:14pm


    You're joking, right? There was and continues to be an uproar over Valerie Plame. In fact, there's a movie in theaters right now on the topic.

  • Dec 01, 2010 @ 11:04am

    For anyone that flies on a regular basis, it's obvious that this isn't security--it's theater.

    And it's also obvious that our overall security isn't being accounted for: at the very least, they're herding us, like sheep, into unprotected and opportunistic target areas: TSA screening lines.

  • Dec 01, 2009 @ 09:40am

    Net Neutrality

    I don't know how much of it is tollbooth related vs. not giving Google what it wants: net neutrality.

    Let's be clear, Google ain't just sellin' ring tones -- they're bringing a platform that includes everything in a mobile carriers infrastructure less the cellular network. And on behalf of their shareholders, a wireless carrier ain't just tryin' to be a dumb pipe -- there's little growth in that.

    And Google is an Advertising company which happens to be a key component of mobile commerce. Further, there has been aggressive competition and positioning in the mobile commerce space for a better part of a decade (who would know?), and mobile carriers have been, rightly or wrongly, counting on a slice of the pie.

    That makes Google a potential competitor without touching Google Voice.

    Let's be clear, I'm no fan of wireless cartels and their artificial markets. But I'm not sure I'd be so quick to allow Google unfettered access to "my" customers at this time without rights to Sergey's firstborn and compromising photos of Larry: there's just too much uncertainty at the moment.

    And I think those of us focused on App store revenue are thinking way short-term; that's just a gate established by Apple, Google and others. With mainstream mobile computing taking off, in less than 10 years, mobile commerce will far exceed online-only advertising revenue.

  • Jun 24, 2009 @ 07:02am

    Re: Simpler explanation

    Interestingly, I read your post to be one of expressing the evil of MSM and corporations/collections.

    The argument presented is simply the internal capital and IT investment process of any company. And if newspapers are being held back by the CFO and a lack a vision/strategic planning, they will be held to account by the shareholders.

    Seriously, a business case is simply an argument. If a company cannot determine the value of engaging and interacting with their EXISTING customers, they should try something else--like landscaping. But first, I'd still suggest they outsource their Marketing & Sales departments: customers don't seem to be their niche.