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  • Feb 15, 2011 @ 05:40am

    My kid wrote my about us section

    They apparently got the message, sort of

    Q:Does this mean bad reviews are more trustworthy?( An important update is added on 2/14/2011, please read it below)

    A:That is an intelligent question. I would say, yes, if a bad review has sufficient underlying facts to back it up. Otherwise, you have to be careful here. So far the "sell side" of the bad behaviors have been well publicized. But you know media is biased in that the "buy side" of the bad behaviors have been under-reported. Update on 2/14/2011: We are glad that it has finally received some media attention. The core message is loud and clear: OBJECTIVE reviews, good or bad, are always welcome; Libel is not. There have been intensive debates on the free speech on the internet. But if you drill down to the core of these discussions, there lies a fundamental philosophy: Man Vs. Machine. Internet or computing technology in general can NEVER replace human intelligence. When we apply human intelligence, it is not that hard to dissect the so-called "free speech" doctrine. Free speech is not the same as responsibility-free speech. The "Free speech" argument is a logical fallacy because it "conceals" the embedded premise: Free speech is not an absolute right. For every right, there is responsibility or obligation. Absolute power or right corrupts absolutely. "The internet bully" has been and will be the hot button issue until we begin to recognize the importance of human intelligence. With that, one can see that the difference between libel and an objective review is profound: The former is not based on facts; the latter is. To achieve objectivity, both the seller and buyer have to hold up their end of the bargain: The seller has to disclose as much as possible what it does and does not. A buyer has to read the disclosure. Contrary to what some media describes as "draconian" terms and conditions, ours are very much in line with the e-commerce standard, with one notable difference: we only have return for replacement policy. Intentional buyer's remorse is not welcome. Most of all, there is nothing that beats human contact. If you share the same philosophy, please call us AFTER you have done your reading. A 3-minute human to human conversation is all it takes and matters in the end.

  • Apr 29, 2010 @ 10:45am

    This illustrates the primary reason that I do not buy products from Apple, EA and other companies that try to control the way products bought by customers can be used.

  • Feb 15, 2010 @ 08:01am

    Re: Re: What could be offered

    or is it a bicycle that you can fill with soda? I'd buy one and fill it with beer!

  • Jan 29, 2010 @ 06:12pm


    "newer one" we've been chanting the phrase for decades

  • Jan 26, 2010 @ 08:13am

    Re: Cameras can be good

    The only part of your post that I agree with is the last line. We definitely need better driver education and training. Remembering my habits when I was sixteen, I am also in favor of raising the driving age.

    But for the cameras, F that $h!t!!

  • Jan 26, 2010 @ 08:06am

    Re: Re: Yeah - that's the ticket

    Oh no! Not the dreaded Chewbacca defense!

  • Jan 07, 2010 @ 09:16am

    So what

    When I read about the phone and considered the name I thought "cool, nexus is a good name since it will be the convergence point for most of my communications" I had to be reminded of the fact that characters in Blade Runner were Nexus #. I don't see the reasoning behind the complaint. Most people will not get the reference. Any that do may be tempted to see the movie or read the book. In fact, it reminded me that I haven't seen the movie in some time. I promptly jumped on Vuze and downloaded it.

    Oh, wait...

  • Jan 10, 2009 @ 06:42am

    Hey Cipher

    The spirit of the first amendment was not drafted to protect the right to say fuck, shit cocksucker, felcher, ass bandit or cunt sucker. Though I love saying and writing those. The aim was to protect individuals from persecution from criticizing the government, which you also can't to my knowledge, do in China.

  • Jan 10, 2009 @ 06:35am

    Hey Howard

    Pornography is worse than illegal drugs? Are you fucking serious? Pun INTENDED. You would rather your kids shoot smack than watch people having sex? You prefer an activity that pushes some to theft, SEX and violent crime over watching sex? I don't understand this reasoning though I have encountered it before. I a going to assume that you would also prefer them watch a movie in which people are shot to death than one that displays naked breasts. It's sex. Most do it. It only becomes something bad when it is stigmatized. I have used drugs. I have had some crazy sex (bondage, two girls, role playing). And when I look back I only cringe remembering drug-related incidences.

    Hey Woon,
    "The days of white oppression is over." Time AGAIN for yellow oppression? Every race color and creed has oppressed another and their own at some point. I'm not touching the Iraqi or Vietnamese issues except to say that the Vietnamese that I know are glad they got out. Ok, maybe I will. The Iraq and Vietnam campaigns are examples of why I wish America would start pulling it's support from abroad. War for oil? Saving the Turncoat French from getting their asses kicked AGAIN? "F" that!

    Ok those are my rants over comments, on to the topic. China's repression of desires is going to cause outrage by the citizens and eventual perversion of desires. I cite the things I have seen in porn shops in Tokyo as support for my argument. Japanese society is so rigid that when they let their hair down - watch out! The search engine companies are doing what smart businesses do. "I'm so sorry, I'll get that corrected immediately and credit your account 10% off this order." People are still going to find the porn.

  • Apr 25, 2008 @ 06:54pm

    Holy Terms of Use!

    these people are nuts! check out the terms of use for their website:;jsessionid=I1J50DP1ED5IYCRBXUXFAHYKEG4RAUPU?buy=1&langue=en_US