Josh - To common a name. This is me. 's Techdirt Comments

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  • How Difficult Is It To Post A Bill On The White House Website For Five Days?

    Josh - To common a name. This is me. ( profile ), 24 Jun, 2009 @ 10:18am

    Re: Seriously, now.

    Yeah, but...Isn't the road to hell paved with good intentions?

  • How Difficult Is It To Post A Bill On The White House Website For Five Days?

    Josh - To common a name. This is me. ( profile ), 24 Jun, 2009 @ 10:17am

    Re: The Deal.

    LOL. Oh wow. I needed that laugh this morning. Thank you.

  • Why Do Newspapers So Rarely Link Out?

    Josh - To common a name. This is me. ( profile ), 24 Jun, 2009 @ 10:14am

    Re: Research before you write

    Wait a minute. The editors don't want to be seen as endorsing the credibility of the link, but they want us to believe that all of the information they used is credible? There's something wrong with that.

    In College, we are told to include all of our source information when we write papers. The reason for this is because the Instructor needs to validate the CREDIBILITY of our source. Could you imagine if we tried to use an argument like that editor?

    “Well, see her Prof. I didn't tell you the source for that info because I didn't want to be responsible for its credibility.” The professor would so laugh you out of class.

  • Prisoner Sues Because Prison Confiscated And Destroyed His Contraband Mobile Phone

    Josh - To common a name. This is me. ( profile ), 01 Apr, 2009 @ 12:31pm


    I think most of you that keep harping on them destroying the phone as wrong are not understanding what is going on.

    Especially Comment #10. I totally agree with you that police have no right to destroy something of mine that I LEGALLY posses. But the word legal is what is key here. As a prisoner it is ILLEGAL for him to posses a cell phone while inside of prison. If a prisoner obtains a cell phone while in prison and it is discovered, it is labeled as contraband (ILLEGAL TO HAVE IN PRISON).

    So what all of you who say they prison should have stuck the phone in his possesion bag seem to be asking the officals to do is to save an item that was illegally obtained by the prisoner, and illegal for him to possess while in prison and give it back to him upon his release? What world do you live in? This would be the same as if someone stole your car, was arested for it, put in jail, then upon their release they demanded to have your car back because they stole it "fair and square" and it no longer belonged to you.

    I just don't get some people some times.

  • After Being Educated About Negative Effects, Students Stop Using Laptops In Class

    Josh - To common a name. This is me. ( profile ), 19 Mar, 2009 @ 03:53pm

    I always get a kick out of these stories...

    I'm a 31 year old first time college student. I started taking classes at my local community college about 3 years ago when I got fired, my own fault, from the job I was working. During the start of my second year I got hired to work as a contractor on the local naval base. I am now at a point where I will be achieving my first A.S. by the end of this year.

    I said all of that to preface my comments about teachers. I have found it amazing what some teachers, at the college level only, feel their role is in my education. See, I'm paying to attend college and am not being forced, i.e. standard K-12 education, to go to school. So in my opinion the teachers need to treat thier classes a bit more like adults. Especially in a community college, and especially one like the one I attend that has at least half of the student body being adults that work full time at the naval base and just want to further their education. But I always find that some teachers think that it is their job to "force" me to learn the content or "force" me to be in the class. I always know that I will enjoy the class when the first thing the teacher says is "After the first week I'm throwing away the roll sheet. I only have to take it that long to please the administration." See in the state of California I have the right to fail. So if I chose to surf facebook, or play games on MY time, well, that's my loss. Not the teachers. Teachers on the other hand that say things like, "I am going to take roll call every day at the start of class AND after break because I know you will sneak home otherwise.." really piss me off. Especially when this is a night class and has maybe only two teens fresh out of high school in it. It's almost enough to make me want to drop the class.

    All of that being said, I agree with things that have been stated in the past on this site that say that really, it's up to the individual student to succeed. If I, as a student, have to rely on other people to help me succeed, then eventually I will fail and no one will be there to catch me.

    Sorry about the rant. I hope you took the time to read it all. Thanks.