Laroquod 's Techdirt Comments

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  • Microsoft Capitulates, Removes Online DRM From Xbox One

    Laroquod ( profile ), 20 Jun, 2013 @ 05:25am

    Re: Linux on PS3

    So to summarise your argument, John Nemesh, almost nobody actually took advantage of Linux support on the PS3, but Sony HAD to drop support because these almost nobodies were apparently still numerous enough to kill profits by not buying games. Contradict yourself much?

    Sony's excuses are full of shit and you embarrass yourself by parrotting them thoughtlessly.

  • President Obama Is 'Troubled' About Chilling Effects His Own Administration Is Causing To Journalism?

    Laroquod ( profile ), 26 May, 2013 @ 08:49am

    Great plan, Mr. President

    "Either Eric Holder and the DOJ have 'gone rogue' or the President is hastily pretending that his administration is not doing what it clearly has been doing for years."

    Luckily we won't have to wonder about this for long, because the President has promised to get us answers. He's put his best people on it: Eric Holder and the DOJ!

    One caveat though: who will the President appoint to keep watch on Mr. Holder and make sure he does not torture or detain himself indefinitely? Is John Yoo available?

  • Modest Proposal: Going Piracy Neutral

    Laroquod ( profile ), 23 May, 2013 @ 04:53pm

    Not even a little Swiftian

    When one dubs something a 'Modest Proposal' in the Swiftian sense, it means that one is making fun of the kind of person who would make this proposal. Is that what this video is doing, mocking the sort of person/filmmaker who would propose we be 'Piracy Neutral'? I think not, or else it is doing a very muddled job of it, too meek to actually make a satirical point and too genuinely tickled by its own absurd concept to bother biting hard enough to be called 'satire'.

  • Mark Lutz Claims He Signed 'On Behalf Of Salt Marsh' But No One Seems To Know Where The Original Is

    Laroquod ( profile ), 16 May, 2013 @ 07:43am

    Salt Marsh

    "I'm not sure if this means he "signed" the name Salt Marsh or he signed his own name on behalf of Salt Marsh, or if nobody signed a damn thing and a document was sloppily submitted with a claimed signature of Salt Marsh."

    Sounds like there may be some sinister secret at play here!

  • Paul Hansmeier Pops Up In Prenda Law Defamation Case, As Prenda Tries To Force It Back To State Court

    Laroquod ( profile ), 11 Apr, 2013 @ 07:20pm

    Neverending Soap Opera

    Tune in again tomorrow on 'Days of Our Lawyers' for the trials and tribulations of the corrupt 'Prenda' crime family... you can't keep track of the characters anymore, but who cares? Because any of them could be replaced by another actor at any time.

  • No, Freak Gross Injuries Shouldn't Mean Media Outlets Can't Show Them

    Laroquod ( profile ), 05 Apr, 2013 @ 10:04am

    Stop embarrassing yourselves

    Seriously Anonymous Coward? The world must be a very frightening place for you full of evil pixel-based dangers you do not wish to violate your precious, precious eyes.

    I watched it. It was no big deal. You all have some weak-ass stomachs, and for you to stand up on some moral soapbox as if the one with the problem isn't *you*, as if it's somewhoe *normal* and *acceptable* to get all offended that somebody has had quite an ordinary injury and that *shock* other people are looking at it. It's just laughable.

    It's not normal. You have a propblem. Get some psychoogical help. People break their legs all the time. Very often, they look funny and shinbones stick out. If you know the person, you console them. If you don't the person, you point and laugh. That's just life.

  • Lawyers For The One Case Where There's Proof Of Warrantless Wiretapping Decide Not To Appeal To Supreme Court

    Laroquod ( profile ), 06 Jan, 2013 @ 10:22am

    Re: Re: US Constitution

    Precisely so. The time in history in which government shows absolute disrespect for the rule of law, is exactly that time in which you don't want it rewriting those laws. The fundamental byword of our time is disrespect, and it will be wielded with extreme prejudice by the current powers that be, whatever their attempted works. Let us all hope those works will not include rewriting America's basic DNA. Let's save that for after the apocalypse because there will probably be a few decades after our so-called 'civilisation' has collapsed when disrespect for democratic institutions becomes extremely extremely unpopular due to half the planet dying as the result of corporate-captured government. That will be the correct time to rewrite the Constitution from scratch. At the height of the Era of Enron and the Long Financial Con -- this is the worst possible time to build or rewrite anything.

  • Sony Patent Application Takes On Used Game Sales, Piracy With Embedded RFID Chips In Game Discs

    Laroquod ( profile ), 06 Jan, 2013 @ 10:46am

    "Ars Technica reports that Sony seems to have found a way to prevent secondhand sales without..."

    Um... no. They have not found that way. Need I say more? Obviously false statement is obvious?

  • If TekSavvy Won't Oppose Copyright Trolls Who Want Customer Info, Who Will?

    Laroquod ( profile ), 04 Jan, 2013 @ 07:46am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: These people aren't even guilty

    Yeah basically if you have no notification within MyWorld then you are not on the list, is my understanding. I was talked through this over the phone with a TekSavvy Service Representative, and that is what he said so I am relying on that phone-based authority, for what it's worth.

  • If TekSavvy Won't Oppose Copyright Trolls Who Want Customer Info, Who Will?

    Laroquod ( profile ), 03 Jan, 2013 @ 12:03pm

    Re: Re: These people aren't even guilty

    John, check the email from TekSavvy again. I found it rather confusing; I thought it was telling me I was on the list. On closer reading, it turns out that it was telling me that I *may* be on the list and that I was supposed to log into the TekSavvy site under 'My World' in order to find out whether I am actually on the list. When I did that, turns out I was in the clear. I should have read more carefully, but maybe TekSavvy's communication policy in this regard wasn't the best way to go about it.

    I hope you are not on the list either but even if you are, you still are probably innocent and don't deserve to be exposed, IMO.

  • If TekSavvy Won't Oppose Copyright Trolls Who Want Customer Info, Who Will?

    Laroquod ( profile ), 03 Jan, 2013 @ 12:00pm

    Re: These people aren't even guilty

    Turns out that I am not on the list of those accused. TekSavvy sent out a rather blanket information email about the lawsuit which I misinterpreted as an inclusion of my user account in the danger zone. I complained and their customer service notifying me that I am not on the list was fairly prompt -- however, the fact that I don't feel personally in jeopardy any longer does not change at all my concern over how TekSavvy is handling this because I am still their customer (for now) and as a personal with a dynamically rotating IP address that *frequently* dynamically rotates (sometimes every 10 minutes!), I could still end up innocently on the wrong list and therefore this is still highly relevant to my interests and the interests of all TekSavvy users.

  • If TekSavvy Won't Oppose Copyright Trolls Who Want Customer Info, Who Will?

    Laroquod ( profile ), 03 Jan, 2013 @ 10:13am

    These people aren't even guilty

    For the record, I am among those accused and I am totally innocent. I have not downloaded any of the films on Voltage's list nor would -- they all sound perfectly awful or I had already heard they were awful. Nobody else I know who visits would have any visits in those movies either. Nobody torrented any of those movies in this house -- it just simply never happened.

    And now I may have to try to prove this in court, because there are roving extortionists in the world and TekSavvy refuses to stand up to them?? Excuse me THIS BLOWS and this'll be the absolute end for me and TekSavvy if they do not eventually step up here and do the right thing for their customers.

  • Stuxnet's Infection Of Chevron Shows Why 'Weaponized' Malware Is A Bad Idea

    Laroquod ( profile ), 20 Nov, 2012 @ 07:24pm


    Careful there, Julian Huxley's estate probably still owns the copyright on the phrase 'tinfoil hat'. The keyword filter nanites that have entered your bloodstream via "fluoridated" water will edit that phrase from your memory, and put your name on the no-fly list, unless you pay a modest settlement fee of say, $3000.

  • Stuxnet's Infection Of Chevron Shows Why 'Weaponized' Malware Is A Bad Idea

    Laroquod ( profile ), 20 Nov, 2012 @ 07:13pm

    Re: Re: Not a new argument

    Unfortunately with most everybody corrupt there is plenty of evil to go around nowadays.

  • Stuxnet's Infection Of Chevron Shows Why 'Weaponized' Malware Is A Bad Idea

    Laroquod ( profile ), 20 Nov, 2012 @ 07:10pm

    Re: Re: Re: No harm done elsewhere

    That's only a 'positive' if it leads to impenetrable security. I'd say the chances of that are about zero, especially when faced with malware as sophisticated as this.

  • Harvard Research Scientist: Sharing Discoveries More Efficient, More Honorable Than Patenting Them

    Laroquod ( profile ), 15 Nov, 2012 @ 05:38pm


    Is there a such thing as a GPL-like patent process? If not, shouldn't there be?

  • Latest Company To Discover The Streisand Effect: Casey Movers

    Laroquod ( profile ), 15 Nov, 2012 @ 03:55pm

    Any business person in today's world who does not respond to negative customer reviews online with an immediate and full apology, does not understand a damned thing and should probably have his or her head examined.


  • UN Wants Multi-Stakeholder Discussions On 'Rethinking Copyright' — Ignores That The Only Stakeholder That Matters Is The Public

    Laroquod ( profile ), 10 Nov, 2012 @ 03:25pm

    Re: Re: Re: Confused about stakeholders

    I'd tend to agree, but that, at least was their stated purpose. Let's not invent whole new purposes like protecting the biggest, most monolithic corporations as if taking their interests into account was written into the law or something.

  • Navy SEALs Lose Their Military Careers By Consulting With EA On Videogame

    Laroquod ( profile ), 09 Nov, 2012 @ 08:58pm

    Re: Re: What about the Complainer-in-chief???

    "When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal." Richard Nixon.

  • UN Wants Multi-Stakeholder Discussions On 'Rethinking Copyright' — Ignores That The Only Stakeholder That Matters Is The Public

    Laroquod ( profile ), 09 Nov, 2012 @ 07:43pm

    Re: Confused about stakeholders

    What he means is that the private sector is not actually legally a stakeholder in copyright. The only purpose of granting a private entity a temporary monopoly on distribution in the first place, was to increase the value to society of whatever would eventualy be granted to the commons.

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